
ALPLA’s sustainability goals 2018–2022

This section presents a list of our sustainability goals in the reporting period from 2018 to 2022. 


KPI: ALPLA’s required global EcoVadis score

Goal: We will improve our global EcoVadis score from 63 points in 2018 to 67 points in 2022.
2022 status: Gold score of 71 points

KPI: CDP result

Goal: We will improve our CDP score by 2022 and are seeking to achieve a ‘B+’ rating in leadership.  
(Goal revised from A to B+ due to no external audit being performed)
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: Currently level ‘C’. This goal was not achieved. We associate this primarily to the changes in the CDP questionnaires and to the fact that ALPLA has not committed to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) at that time.

Environment and environmental impacts

KPI: Absolute carbon emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3)

Goal: We will reduce our absolute carbon emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 10% by 2022 in comparison to 2018.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: absolute CO2e reduction by 2% (accounting methodology updated in 2023). While ALPLA hit the target for Scope 2 reduction with flying colours by realising a 15% emission reduction between 2018 and 2022, Scope 1 and Scope 3 emission reductions were limited to 3.7% and 7.8% respectively. We are actively working on setting new targets, following the criteria set by SBTi.

KPI: Carbon neutrality in Austria

Goal: All the Austrian sites will operate entirely carbon-neutrally by 2020.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: All Austrian plants climate-neutrale since 2020 (Scope 1 and 2).

KPI: Proportion of renewable energies in Austria

Goal: By 2022, we will run all the ALPLA plants in Austria using nothing but renewable energy.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: All Austrian plants run 100% renewable energy.

KPI: Proportion of renewable energies (electricity) used at ALPLA’s own recycling plants

Goal: We will run all the recycling plants we own exclusively on renewable energy by 2019.
2022 status: Recycling plants in Spain, Poland and Austria run on 100% renewable energy. Due to expansions of recycling plants and the availability of renewable energy in specific countries, we could meet the target only partially.

KPI: Surpassing Energy Efficiency by 2022

Goal: We will increase our energy efficiency globally by 3.5% by 2022 in comparison to 2018.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: Cumulative energy efficiency increased by 14.3%

KPI: Freshwater Reduction

Goal: Reduce freshwater consumption by 20% until 2022.
SDGs: 6
2022 status: As of 2022, our freshwater consumption has decreased by 6%, despite the growing number of plants and recycling facilities.

KPI: Required proportion of recycled materials

Goal: By 2022, recycled PET (rPET) will account for 23.5% of converted PET material. By 2022, recycled HDPE (rHDPE) will account for 9.9% of converted HDPE material.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: rPET 21,1%, rHDPE: 15,7% (our rPET share of 23.5% was not fully achieved due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and related market fluctuations).

KPI: Fixed donations/sponsorship budget for initiatives for the removal of plastics from the environment

Goal: A budget is set in order to financially support initiatives that combat marine litter.
2022 status: Financial support for NIDISI, an organisation dedicated to reintegrating plastic waste into the value chain to prevent its accumulation in the environment.

People & society

KPI: Risk/danger level

Goal: We will reduce the company risk/danger level by 22% per annum up to 2022.
2022 status: The risk level was reduced above the targeted yearly average rate by 2022.

Efficiency and technology

KPI: Growth rate (AMET, Asia)

Goal: In Asia and in Africa, Middle East and Turkey (AMET), we will achieve 45% growth in total compared with the reference year 2018.
2020 status: Growth in the Asia and AMET regions was at 48%.

KPI: Innovations rolled out

Goal: We will continue to increase the number of innovations rolled out each year; by 2022, there will be three innovations a year.
2022 status: We launched three innovations annually on average until 2022.

KPI: Number of in-house and nearby plants

Goal: We will increase the number of in-house and wall-to-wall plants and will define what constitutes a ‘nearby plant’.
SDGs: SDG12, SDG13
2022 status: In 2018, we had 70 in-house plants; in the status year 2022, we counted 68.